Hello everyone.


Secound part of EARTHFALL saga, interactive-fiction game. Unfortunately, I used very few AI graphics programs during the game's production. Without them, it would have been impossible to finish the game in a relatively short time. I also downloaded some graphics from online magazines and modified them a bit for the game.

  • GAME DESIGN : MarComp Games
  • SCENARIO: MarComp Games
  • PERFORMED by: MarComp Games
  • GRAPHICS: MarComp Games, AI programs, Free internet storages
  • ENGINE: imgm by Leon

You can touch some elements in this history even even if they are not marked as interactive. 
Sometimes you won't see BACK or NEXT sign, it means that all picture is a sign.


What if...?

What would happen if the truth about Roswell was completely different? What if an alien civilization did not completely die in a collision involving an extraterrestrial spaceship? How would the fate of us humans and Earth then turn out? 
If you watched the first part, you already know this.

Now you can see whats happening in the future, how people start coexisting with robots. How technology growing up, whats happe with cites and other planets.

But you think thats everytching is OK.... check it, it could be intersesting.

I invite you to familiarize yourself with my interactive fiction, which could take place somewhere in some alternative reality. I hope that the fact that I used AI will not discourage you from taking a look at this story.

Best regards, MarComp Games Studio

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